Friday, April 26, 2013

Home - a work in progress

I've lived in my (new) home for almost a year now, and it's been a year of hard work and lots of changes.  I'll do a full picture update soon, but here are some of the things that have been happening on the home front...

Most windows are covered by awful yellow office blinds (above),
I've had some of the old blinds replaced by wooden blinds.
I still need curtains for many of the windows

Patio wall art

Wall art - I embroidered all these bird pictures myself

most of my photos are up, including 3 canvas prints from our family photo shoot
I still need a lot of wall art, especially for the bedrooms, but I'll wait until I find
(or make) art that I love

I am hugely affected by my environment, so I definitely need a home that is comfortable, peaceful and clutter free.  During the last month, I have donated 3 bags of clothing and a car load of other items to the Randburg SPCA.  Lots more to go, but making progress.  The concept of 'living with less' appeals to me.


  1. Oooh, wow I am in love with your beautiful house you have transformed into a beautiful and loving home. Your kitty is definitely happy in his environment.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. The wooden blinds look great my friend. The artwork is beautiful ... love the canvasses!!! Can't wait to see it all 'in person' next week.
