Thursday, August 11, 2011

Women's day

Tuesday 9 August was Women's Day in South Africa.  It is a day that commemorates a march for freedom by women that took place before I was born.  On 9 August 1956, 20 000 women staged a march on the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act (commonly known as the pass laws) of 1950. They left bundles of petitions containing more than 100 000 signatures at prime minister J.G. Strijdom's office doors. Outside they stood silently for 30 minutes, many with their children on their backs. The women sang a protest song that was composed in honour of the occasion: Wathint'Abafazi Wathint'imbokodo! (Now you have touched the women, you have struck a rock.). In the 54 years since, the phrase (or its latest incarnation: "you strike a woman, you strike a rock") has come to represent women's courage and strength in South Africa.

I am so grateful for the freedom to choose how I spend most of my time.  My friends and I chose to spend the day gently scrapping and enjoying great company.  Lynn did most of the organising and also provided a lot of delicious food.  Scrapbooking and yummy food always seem to go together.  This is not a bad thing.

The women's day scrapbooking group

The Scrap Addicts - Lynette, Leonie, Alison and Lynn

Sisters Noleen, Lynn and Wendy

Lynn and I provided little gifts for each lady

Lynette and Leonie




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