Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sacred Valley, Peru

From Cusco, we travelled through the Sacred Valley by private coach - it was gorgeous!

The shopping in Pisac Market was fabulous, the last bit of really good shopping on our trip.  We bought more table runners and a few water-colour paintings from the local artists.  Leonie always carries a tape measure around with her (so clever!); here she's measuring the shoulders of a shirt to see if it will fit one of her grandsons

This is Cuy - guinea pig, a Peruvian delicacy.  We tried most things in Peru but not Cuy!

We visited Ollantaytambo, an Incan military, religious, and agricultural center located at the top of a mountain. From the perspective of the archaeological site, you will look down upon the town of the same name and see its incredibly narrow streets and canals that have not changed since the Incas constructed them.

We climbed zillions of stairs and walked a LOT while in Peru 

The lunch stop was pretty, the food not so good; Leonie was fascinated by the hostess in the pink outfit and big hat

This lady was crocheting a very intricate pattern in very thin cotton; the hand crafts in Peru are fantastic 

We overnighted at Casa Andina Private Collection Sacred Valley...those mountains are incredible!

 Inca Cola apparently outsells Coca Cola in Peru.  I don't really drink cooldrinks so I didn't love it but glad we tasted it.  It tasted a bit like a combination of fruit, cream soda and bubblegum!

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