Monday, November 30, 2015

Around here

Life around here...

* Digging : scrapbooking

* Not digging : a monster workload at the office

* Drinking : lots of water - the Tupperware water bottles are fantastic

* Food : working on eating more whole foods and less processed foods.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, especially when I get home late and I'm shattered tired after a very long day at work

* Listening : to an awesome playlist on my ipod in my car at full blast in the traffic on the way home at night; I looove Pink by Aerosmith!

* Watching : Boer Soek 'n Vrou

* Weather : relieved that the awful heat of a few weeks ago has abated and that we've had some rain; the water tanks in my garden are overflowing

* Busy : packing for the scrapbook retreat and wrapping prezzies

* Wishing :  I was on holiday so that I could read until late at night.  And every morning.  And during the day
* Working on : stretching regularly, it really eases the pain in my back.  Seriously - why don't I just do it every day?!
* Hating : hot flushes that wake me up at night
* Thinking : these Santa bags for my nieces are so cute; I've bought them each a solar torch and a few other goodies to fill the bags


* Enjoying : a little bit of home decorating, just freshening up a bit with new towels, pillows and lamps

* Needing : to find a way to support ageing parents who live 2 hours away in another town.  So grateful for my sister-in-law Tonia and brother Robbie who are on hand to support then every day and make the hard decisions - thank you!

* Loving : miss Ruby.  Seriously

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post my friend. Looking forward to spending the weekend with you!!!
